Hey there!
I came to you many years ago and would love to sit down with you again.
You were very straight to the point and pretty spot on!
You’re a great Jedi.
Thank you.”
A. A., Santa Fe
All posts by Alex
Accurate Reading
“We saw you around this time last year and you were so accurate. We were hoping to schedule another session.”
S. W., Santa Fe.
Your Amazing Spiritual Gifts
Many blessings to you for sharing your amazing, spiritual gifts.
So much clarity abounds as I journey forward towards the next stage of my life.
I honor the special bond we have created and am excited about what the future holds.
J.B., Boston MA
Simplify For Less Stress
Let me start this chapter by just saying, that I do not denounce material wealth in anyway. We are in physical bodies to experience and enjoy money and what it buys. However, when our pursuit of money leads us to be out of balance with the rest of our being, it can cause what any imbalance can cause, stress and disease.
Why are we so compelled to buy the latest model automobile or electronic device? Is it to make life easier for ourselves? Or is it to show others how successful and trendy we are?
Let’s see, if we work harder to keep buying things that will make our lives easier, aren’t we still working harder than ever? And how does having more material things really make our lives easier?
This success oriented myth has been swallowed by us hook, line and sinker.
I always wonder how the Europeans, that I have known, work less than Americans, but enjoy fuller, richer lives on less money. If you have ever had the opportunity to see how most Europeans live, then you know that they either live in very small homes or flats. Most TVs are about 19” and all other appliances, furniture, automobiles, etc. also tend to be small. Why are Americans so obsessed with bigger is better, or even more expensive is better.
The secret to less stress is simplicity. We MUST learn to live our lives in a more simple way.
Don’t Be Manipulated!
It is important to start thinking with the heart, as opposed to, thinking with the brain to know how to make decisions.
Always ask yourself, “What makes me happy?”.
When we think with our minds, we need to filter through all the thoughts and opinions that we have ever been exposed to. Just imagine your mind as a murky sea of thoughts, thousands of them traveling aimlessly in different directions. How can you come to a clear decision with all that confusion in your mind?
But when feeling with your heart, you will feel either an expansion or a contraction with every question asked.
At the time of our birth, we come into our bodies with no judgements about anything except for physical discomfort or pleasure. Like a sponge, we start soaking up other people’s judgements, ideas and opinions, and personalize them. These are the concepts that we need to release and let go of.
In our society, we are continually bombarded with manipulative advertising and propaganda (disguised as “The Nightly News”), to influence the way we think and behave.
Fear is our greatest enemy. Fear is used to sell products and services, as well as, controlling us, so that we conform to be a passive society.
Most major corporations are run to make huge profits at our expense ( literally and figuratively ). We must become aware of the incredible deception that keep us away from our spiritual legacy and stay submerged in perpetual debt.
We will only find personal freedom if we break the chains of this thought and outside manipulation.
Linkages Crucial to Well-being
Alex has helped me with many things over the last few years. After a recent reading his guidance has particularly helped in the management of my business. As a sole-proprietor, I frequently fall into a narrow focus on production or day-to-day demands and lose track of the bigger picture. In this reading, he helped me reconnect with why I love what I’m doing and how to be more mindful of the nuances of “how” I do what I do. This ranges from my communication with clients, setting my rate structure and being more grounded and present in the mostly solitary work that I do.
Over the years I’ve benefited from Alex’s advice and insights as a business coach, a health adviser and a spiritual guide. He has shown me how these things are all holistically linked together and all crucial to my well-being.
The optimism and power I can feel is priceless.
J.W. Western Montana
Saint Germain: Why Your Soul Feels Trapped In Your Body – Channeled by Alex of Avalon
As our vibration rises, it also expands. The expansion (which is the 5th Dimensional Being realized), is in a way conflicting with our 3rd Dimensional being, or our old paradigm limitation.
The limited thinking is that our bodies are what they are, in the way that what we see is reality. However, being made out of molecules that in Quantum Physics reality, move and can shift, now becoming multi-dimensional beings. Our bodies, both physical and ethereal (chakras, emotional, spiritual and astral), are expanding and making room for our expanded souls.
We can visualize our bodies expanding to make room for our expanded souls, without gaining weight. It is allowing space for our larger souls.
Taking Your Power Back
When we do not face our emotional baggage, it manifests in our bodies. So, our bodies and our emotions will tell us the issues to look at.
Where do you hurt? What Chakra is associated with that pain or condition?
A client had experienced an altercation with a person. She kept telling me that her stomach hurt. I told her that her stomach was related to Solar Plexus Chakra, and that she felt an ache in her stomach because this situation made her feel powerless. The Solar Plexus relate to willpower and being in your power. Once she became aware of this, her stomach stopped hurting.
It is my experience, that all negative emotions result from feeling a lack of power.
I have had many clients say that they have a hard time dealing with a certain person. I bring to their attention that they feel this way only because they lose their power when dealing with this person. Then I ask, what would make you feel empowered or in control of the situation?
There are many ways that we can take our power back from another person or situation. If someone calls us on the phone and keeps pushing our buttons, we can either limit our conversation to say, ten minutes, or limit the conversation to only certain subjects that do not irritate us, or we can just stop talking to them altogether.
When we can define our boundaries, we start gaining our personal power.
Now, another way of looking at this is when someone pushes your buttons, ask yourself, “Who does this person remind me of?”
I had a client whom I had a difficult time dealing with. Whatever I said or did, did not satisfy her. I just couldn’t make her happy.
I started getting very irritated with her and vowed that I would never see her again.
When I asked myself, “Who did she remind me of?”, I thought, “Oh my God, she acted just like my mother.” My mother was very critical of me. Either I couldn’t do anything right, or I could definitely do it better.
This client actually gave me a gift by bringing this belief to my attention. I promptly worked on releasing these thoughts about myself.
Four months later, this client called for another session. I thought to myself, “I know I decided to not take her back, but as an experiment, I would take her back to see if the work I had done would result in a different experience. Sure enough, she was not at all critical and did not complain. But was very happy…and so was I. At that point, I made the connection between how we feel about ourselves (our belief system), and what experience we choose to bring to us.
Thoughts are energy. When we believe a “truth” about who we are (thought-energy), we attract a situation that proves our belief to be true.
If we can change that belief to a more positive one, we can change our experience to a more favorable one.
By doing these two things, (creating boundaries and changing old negative beliefs), we are able to take back our power and stay in our power.
Becoming Aware of Your Emotional Baggage
Honesty with ourselves is a priority. We should ask ourselves:
What do I really want?
Why haven’t I ever received it?
What do I need to change in my beliefs in order to receive what I want?
When we become totally honest with ourselves is when we get insight into the problem. We create the awareness needed to emotionally evolve and move forward in our life.
When we do not face our emotional baggage, it can manifest in our bodies creating disease. So our bodies and our emotions will tell us what issues to look at.
Where do you hurt? What Chakra is associated with that pain or condition?
A client had experienced an altercation with someone. She kept telling me that her stomach hurt. I told her that her stomach is related to her Solar Plexes Chakra, and that she experienced an ache in her stomach because this situation made her feel powerless. The Solar Plexes Chakra relates to will power and being in your power.
Once she became aware of this, her stomach stopped hurting.
It is also my experience that all negative emotions result from a lack of power.
I’ve had many clients say that they have a hard time dealing with a certain person. Then I will ask, what would make you feel more empowered or in control of the situation?
There are many ways that we can take our power back from another person or situation.
If someone calls us on the phone and is always pushing our buttons, we can either limit the conversation to say, ten minutes, or limit the conversation to only certain subjects that do nor irritate us, or just stop taking their calls altogether.
When we can define our boundaries, we start gaining back our personal power.
Now, another way of looking at this, is when someone pushes your buttons, ask yourself, who does this remind you of?
I had a client whom I had a difficult time with. I just could not satisfy her or make her happy. I got irritated with her and made the decision not to see her again.
When I asked myself “Who did she remind me of?” I thought,”Oh my God, she was like my mother”. My mother was very narcissistic and very critical of me. Either I couldn’t do anything right or I could definitely do better.
This client actually gave me a gift by bringing the belief of mine to my attention. I promptly worked on releasing these “beliefs” about myself.
Four months later, this client called for another session. I thought to myself, I know I decided to not see her again, but as an experiment, I would see her to test if the work I had done would result in a different experience. Sure enough, she was not critical or negative and did not complain about anything. She was happy with her session and remained in my power.
At that point, I made the connection between how we feel about ourselves (our belief system) and what experience we bring to us.
Thoughts are energy. When we believe a “truth” about who we are (thought – energy), we attract a situation that proves our belief to be true.
If we can change a belief to a more favorable and positive one, then we can also change what we experience to a more favorable one.
By doing these two things (creating boundaries and changing old beliefs), we are able to take back our power and stay in our power.